Talking About Art Work

Below are suggested criteria for judging a work of Art, including selected sources and children's own work.  They reflect the basic elements in a work that can be identified in evaluating it.  When discussing art work these elements can be explained by asking questions.

Content  -  The subject, story or idea of a picture or art work. 

What is being recorded or expressed through the activity of drawing, painting, printing, collage, modelling etc.?  What is the idea?  What does it try to show?

Can the child identify the content of an artwork, for example by being asked to describe it, or to give it a title?  An abstract image may be difficult for children.  Encourage them to concentrate on and spot  the elements within the picture e.g.  patterns of lines, shapes, colours.

Media  -   The materials and the way they have been used.

What kind of materials have been used?  How have they been used?  What is a good choice of materials for the work?  Were the materials well used?

Can the child identify the materials used and how they have been used, for example if the is a drawing, what  was used (pencil, pen, crayon. etc.)

Line  -  The marks an artist makes

What kinds of marks or line  are shown?  Are there varieties of line  e.g.  thick/thin?  Do the lines or marks make a good drawing/picture?  Was it drawn from memory, imagination or observation?

See the development checklist for drawing (page 81)  for different stages in the line drawing, from the haptic or scribble stage, to simple pictures, use of shading, depth, perspective etc.  Young children use marks mostly to make symbols  e.g.  a 'lollipop' tree, later they learn how to draw a variety of lines in pattern making, decorating, and drawing from observation.

Tone  -  The shading of light and darkness in line or colour.

Are different tones used as part of the composition?  Are there varieties of tone in line used e.g.  light/dark?  Are there varieties of tone in colour used  e.g.  lighter/darker shades?

Colour  -  The varieties of colour used.

What colours are used?  Is there a good mixture or variety of colours used?  Were the colours suitable for the composition?  What mood or feeling is expressed in the colours?  Are there different marks or broad areas of colour?

Pattern and Design  -  The design or decoration shown in the art work.

Is the picture or art work one big pattern?  Are there patterns or decorations within it?  Do the parts of the pattern or decoration fit in with the design as a whole?  Is it well designed and decorated?

Texture  -  The surface of the painting or art work.

Does the surface have a texture or different textures?  Can the textures be seen?  Can it be felt?  Has the texture been created?  Are the surface textures good to feel/see?  Are they well created?

Space  -  The spacing in 2D or 3D, within a framework.

Does the picture/artwork show a good use of space?  If it is a drawing or painting is it well spaced/placed on the paper?  Are the parts well spaced/placed?  Does it create a sense of space  e.g.  through perspective?  If  it is a model or 3D  art work does it show a good use of space?

Form & Space -  The shapes shown  and structure of composition.

What shapes are shown in the picture or art work?  Are the shapes well drawn or represented?  How are the shapes put together?  Do the shapes fit the composition well?  Is the composition of shapes well balanced  or unbalanced?

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