Design and Technology

Latest News...
St. Andrews adopts the QCA Scheme of Work in D&T!

D&T Lessons are based upon units from the QCA Scheme, this, together with a bank of  additional project ideas will give breadth and balance to the D&T curriculum!

Robot World at School!

Resource Downloads!

   D&T Policy

   D&T Planning Grids

Check out this GREAT BBC Site!  Make your own On-Line Robot and learn all about them!


Green Class (Year 3/4)


Autumn Term project.
Photo Frames

Spring Term project.
The Perfect Sandwich!



Our finished Photo Frames

First, we looked at different photo frames that we brought into school.  We found out how the frame could stand up or be hung on a wall.  We tried out some ways of making a photo frame stand up ourselves using card.

 Next, we designed and made our own!

To finish, we used our digital camera to take photographs of us with our friends and printed them the right size using the computer.

Mmm! Delicious!